Tuesday 29 December 2015

Advice for UNISON members affected by or worried about flooding

In the wake of recent flooding, UNISON Welfare has issued the following 
guidance for members and to assist branch officers who are advising them.

Monday 21 December 2015

Love unions

This government is determined to shift the balance of power in the workplace in favour of employers, and get its trade union bill through Parliament with as little scrutiny as possible.
There were some government concessions in the Commons stages, but the bill still fundamentally undermines the right to strike and hits at unions’ ability to represent their members.
It is essential we keep up the pressure during the crucial stages in the House of Lords – the committee and report stages during February may be our best chance to secure changes to many aspects of the bill.
But, to do this, we’ll need to keep the bill at the front of politicians’ and journalists’ minds and remind people why unions are so important.
From the 8 to 14 February, unions and the TUC will be running a special week of activities throughout England and Wales to showcase the amazing work unions do and build awareness of the trade union bill.
You can find out more at heartunions.org. In particular, check out our briefing for activists on the week and how you and your branch can get involved.
We’ll be back with more in 2016 but in the meantime, best wishes for Christmas and New Year from us atunionreps.org.uk.

Friday 18 December 2015

Slice cards

Dear all,

UNISON are pleased to inform it’s members that the proposed changes to Slice Card charging (£20 per month charge planned for 04/16) no longer forms part of the Council Budget plans.

We are very delighted that Members listened to our concerns at our AGM.

Thank you.


Matthew Belbin I Communication Officer 

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Helping one and all in UNISON

Getting help as a member of UNISON

Can't find the answer you're looking for here? Get help by:

There for You (UNISON Welfare)

Members experiencing financial and emotional difficulties can contact our welfare charity, There for You, which provides a confidential advice and support service for members and their dependants.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Trade Union Bill update

Yesterday MPs debated the Trade Union Bill in the House of Commons. Unfortunately the Bill passed with 305 MPs voting in favour and 271 against. 

But there is good news – MPs from all parties stood up and opposed aspects of the Bill, including several Conservative MPs who we know were influenced by UNISON members visiting them in person or writing to them. 

The fact that Conservative MPs are against some aspects of the Bill makes it more likely that we will win amendments in the House of Lords. UNISON will continue fighting the Bill, please keep an eye out for emails for the next stages in the campaign.

With best wishes,

UNISON Campaigns team

Monday 19 October 2015

Its time to talk to your MP

We need to talk to MPs

On 2 November union members from across the UK will be lobbying their MP at Parliament about the Trade Union Bill. 

You may have received an email about it on Friday from UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis – the email went to all UNISON activists. In case you didn’t receive it here it is below. Please do spread the word about the lobby. 

Email from Dave Prentis:

Our right to be represented at work is under threat and union members across the country are coming together to try to protect it. 

Could you join us in London on Monday 2 November to lobby your MP and join the rally?

The Trade Union Bill currently going through Parliament will have a negative impact on all workers and on everyone who lives in the UK.

Its impact ranges from severely limiting the amount of time union reps are allowed to spend supporting colleagues who are having problems at work like bullying, to restricting UNISON’s ability to fund local campaigns like stopping hospitals closing and national campaigns like promoting the Living Wage.

It undermines the right to strike, which while always the last resort and very rare, actually underpins positive relations between employers and employees because it incentivises employers to resolve disputes.

At a time when our public services are already overburdened, the impact this Bill will have on staff morale will affect the public services everyone in the UK relies on. It is our duty to stand up against it.

On 2 November union members will be attending a rally and then meeting with their MPs in Parliament. Could you join us? 

Members in Northern Ireland could contact their regional office about lobbying MPs locally, as although the Bill doesn't cover Northern Ireland, all MPs will vote on it.

2024 Levellers' Day

  Oxford & District Trades Union Council has booked a coach from Oxford to Burford for Levellers' Day on Saturday, 18 May 2024.   We...