Sunday 28 November 2021

UNISON welcomes government pledge to end violence at work


UNISON has welcomed the Westminster government’s announcement that it plans to ratify Convention 190 from the International Labour Organization’s (ILO), which says that everyone has a right to work free from violence and harassment.

It is the first international treaty to recognise this, and specifically includes gender-based violence and harassment. The union is calling on the Conservative government to ensure words are rapidly turned into action.

Read the full story by clicking Here

Wednesday 20 October 2021

Black LGBT+ Pride event, Saturday 30 October 2021, 6 to 7 pm, online via MS Teams

Black LGBT+ Pride event celebrating Black History Month, Saturday 30 October 2021, 6 to 7 pm, online via MS Teams, hosted by UNISON Oxford University & Colleges and UNISON Oxfordshire Health Branches.

Equality is at the heart of everything that UNISON does, and we are proud of our work to raise the voices of our Black, LGBT+ and Disabled members. Black History Month this year comes at a time where communities are trying to rebuild and recover from a global pandemic. The pandemic has highlighted inequalities across all equality groups, and has left many Black, LGBT+ and disabled members feeling isolated, having been forced to shield, dealing with the loss of loved ones, suffering genuine fear for their lives as frontline workers. 

Whilst COVID-19 has not gone away, we are gradually returning to more normal activities, and many people are really desperate for something to celebrate.

UNISON Oxford University & Colleges branch and UNISON Oxfordshire Health have come together to sponsor a Black LGBT+ Pride performance, which will take place online on Saturday 30 October, at 6pm.

Through MelanEyes: Say it Loud, Say it Proud

This provocative show features Black LGBT+ performers reclaiming the power of their bodies. Members can expect fun, politics and unapologetic ‘LGBTness’. 

Through MelanEyes are described as a collective of Chosen Family from across borders, coming together to build something better from the arts. 

Expect the unexpected, and bring an open mind! Some acts will be racy, some will be political, and some will explore why Black LGBT+ bodies are taboo in your more mainstream pride events. 

This event is strictly 18+ and is a space for Black members, LGBT+ members and their allies. There is much discussion around what is art and what is lewd, and how to respect everyone’s comfort. All acts will include a content warning and there will be a BSL interpreter and Audio description for all acts. There will also be a chance to chat to all the performers after the show and 5 lucky audience members will win prizes sourced from Black owned businesses!

So get excited! Registration is open now and UNISON members can bring up to 4 guests. This event is just as much a challenge as it is a celebration, and we hope you will enjoy a group that demonstrates what we can do if we all work together! Thank you for your interest in this event! 

The event is limited to UNISON members and up to four guests. In order to attend the event, we require a valid email address for each attendee. 

UNISON members must provide their membership number to register themselves and their guests (up to a maximum of four each) at the same time, and the UNISON member must provide a valid email address for each person being registered.

Please register using this Eventbrite link: 

All personal data will only be used for the event and follow up feedback survey. We will not share your data with any other parties. You can read UNISON’s privacy policy here

Please have a look at the Through MelanEyes Facebook page and website.


Website: Through MelanEyes

Monday 18 October 2021

Home & Hybrid Working - Ensuring an inclusive approach

The permanent switch to more home working following the pandemic will cause rising gender inequality in the workplace, according to experts, unless employers carefully monitor their new working policies to make sure women and disabled workers aren’t disadvantaged.

The switch to working from home necessitated by coronavirus lockdowns has, 18 months on, resulted in a permanent change in workplace culture.

Earlier in the pandemic, there were hopes that the wider adoption of remote working might remove the gender divide, while also reducing the so-called “maternity penalty” and getting rid of a culture of presenteeism.

Yet, many employment experts are warning that the hybrid working model favoured by most large organisations, allowing staff to split their time between home and their desks, could have unintended consequences for gender equality.

Leaving the choice of the workplace entirely in the hands of staff likely will mean those with caring responsibilities or with disabilities will tend to stay at home and other employees will likely go into the office. There is a fear that those at home will look like they’re less committed to their job, they won’t have as a good a relationship with their manager or feel part of a wider team or have the same opportunities.

UNISON would like to explore how this switch to hybrid working has affected you and hear of any concerns that you have about this.

To take part in the survey click HERE

Wednesday 6 October 2021

World Mental Health Day and World Homeless Day (Wednesday, October 13)


Oxfordshire Mental Health Partnership (OMHP) and Oxfordshire Homeless Movement are joining forces to bring you a webinar to coincide with World Mental Health Day and World Homeless Day.

Wednesday, October 13 @1–2pm - register now

Featuring guest speakers who are true experts by experience, this is a powerful opportunity to explore some of the toughest barriers to good mental health support, and how the partners plan to overcome them at a crucial time.

Oxfordshire’s homelessness problems epitomise the inequality in our county, and lack of access to affordable housing pushes too many people into crisis. At least 50 per cent of people experiencing homelessness are diagnosed with a mental health condition, underlining that these two issues are inextricably linked.

Be inspired and informed by the voices of the people we serve and have your say on what the future of Oxfordshire’s mental wellbeing looks like for you.

Register now for this motivational event commemorating this year’s World Mental Health Day theme: Mental Health in an Unequal World.

Friday 24 September 2021

Council and school pay

 Please do Note 

Oxford City Council 

Pay is agreed locally 

Despite your courage and sacrifice throughout COVID-19, council and school workers have been offered 1.75%. With inflation at 3.8%, that’s a real terms pay cut. UNISON is launching a consultation and strongly recommends members vote to reject such an unfair offer.


Monday 6 September 2021


Free lunchtime webinar for UNISON members on 28 Sept, hosted by our members' charity There for You and delivered by The Money Charity. It's all about financial wellbeing and it'll offer accessible info on things like your credit score, dealing with problem debt and staying on top of your finances.

Register now 👇

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Save Our Services

Vital local services that you work so hard to deliver are facing catastrophic cuts. Libraries are shutting, waste collections are reducing, and social services are shrinking. More and more essential services that we all rely on every day are crumbling away. 

But nobody knows how much our services need funding better than you. Now, we need to let our friends, families and the whole country know just how much their local services desperately need funding. 


Local services are facing catastrophic cuts. In the fight against coronavirus, councils had to spend billions to protect the most vulnerable and lost crucial income as the country went into lockdown. After 10 years of cuts, local services were already stretched, particularly in deprived areas where harsher cuts were targeted.

Local services must be resilient and properly funded. Yet even our most basic services are facing drastic cuts.

Cuts to your local area

How bad will cuts be in your local area?

We asked every council in England, Wales and Scotland to tell us how much extra funding they need. Click through to find out the funding gap facing your local council:

Go to

2024 Levellers' Day

  Oxford & District Trades Union Council has booked a coach from Oxford to Burford for Levellers' Day on Saturday, 18 May 2024.   We...