Tuesday 4 January 2022

Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Oxford City Branch of UNISON

This year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the Oxford City Branch of UNISON 

is on Thursday 31 March 2022. 

At this time take place online via Teams unless current restrictions change then we may do it in person.

The AGM is an important meeting for all members. It provides an opportunity for you to ask questions about the work of the union, see how branch finances have been used and you as members can help to set policy and agree on priorities for the year ahead.

The AGM also provides an opportunity for you to elect officials to lead the branch and represent your interests.

So if you would like to join us on Thursday 31 March 2022 from 15:00 until 16:00 and work for Oxford City Council or ODS you will need to register and book yourself a place here.  

A link to the meeting or location if we can do an in-person meeting, along with all paperwork will be sent to you closer to the date.

Motions and Rule Changes
If you would like to submit a motion for consideration or a change in the rules of the Branch please email office@oxfordcityunison.com and we will send you a form or click here please return by 13:00 on Monday 21 March 2022.

Electing your Branch Officials and Workplace Reps
One of the most important functions of the AGM is to elect officials to lead the branch for the year ahead. A whole range of different jobs are available in the branch each one of carries a really important set of responsibilities. Whether you’re face to face with managers in negotiations, representing members in a disciplinary, or helping members with a welfare claim – all are necessary to create an effective union team.

Any full member of the union can stand for election to any of the Branch Officer Positions (except for the Labour Link Officer who must be a member of the Labour Party), subject to obtaining the appropriate number of members to support the nomination.

Nominations should be received at the Branch Office no later than 13:00 on Wednesday 02 March 2022. In the event of there being more than one nomination for any officer post, a ballot will be held of all full members to determine the successful candidate, in the case of Labour Link Officer any election will be held of Labour Link members only.

If you would like to stand or like more info please email office@oxfordcityunison.com or click here to download a form or click here for a list of job roles

Branch AGM and Election Timetable
  1. Motions, Rule Amendments, to be received by 13:00 on 21 March 2022
  2. Branch Officer Nominations, Steward nominations etc. to be received by 13:00 on Wednesday 02 March 2022
  3. Monday 27 March 2021 Ballots papers issued, if required
  4. Final Agenda published Friday 25 March 2022
  5. AGM – Thursday 31 March 2022, subject to the meetings being quorate.

Free Raffle
Every person that attends and books their place via the Eventbrite link will be automatically entered into a free raffle with a top prize of £100

Finally, just to remind you that UNISON is a democratic organisation that is member-led and the AGM and election process is important in ensuring that the union is and remains accountable to its members, not just for its policies and its activities but also in determining those members who will go on and speak for the union and our members. We, therefore, encourage you to play a full part in the process and to ask your colleagues to do likewise.

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