Friday 9 August 2019

We need a maximum safe working temperature

UNISON backs Labour plans to legislate on excessive heat in the workplace

UNISON has welcomed Labour’s pledge to legislate for a maximum safe working temperature, with legal safeguards to help workers stay cool.
The party revealed plans today for changes to the law, requiring employers to put effective measures in place if the workplace temperature gets above 30˚ Celsius – or 27˚C for those doing strenuous work.
Those measures could include flexible working and travel arrangements, extra breaks, access to water, cooling systems and air conditioning, flexible dress codes or the provision of protective clothing.
Current health and safety legislation specifies minimum working temperatures, but not a maximum. This means most workers have no legal safeguards to protect them from working during uncomfortably high temperatures or dangerous extreme heat.
UNISON head of health and safety Robert Baughan points out that both the union and the TUC “have long called for indoor maximum of 30˚C. We would also call on employers to do more to protect those working outdoors in these temperatures.
“The sort of temperatures we are seeing this week may mean it is just not safe to carry on working as normal. A change of duties may need to be considered or stopping work altogether.
“Other measures would include making sure workers are appropriately clothed to protect them from the sun, and making sure they have enough liquid.
“Employers should also consider relaxing dress codes – whether staff are working indoors or outdoors.”

Thursday 8 August 2019

Want a Free holiday?

Equality is one of UNISON’s core values and every year, we ask our members about the issues affecting them. This then helps our campaigning work.
Last year over 23,000 members took part and helped inform briefings for the union’s service groups and self-organised groups on key issues for their bargaining and organising agendas.
The survey runs annually and is not just for activists, so please get involved – and encourage as many of your workmates and family as possible to take part. It closes on 26 August.
And as a thank you for taking part you’ll be entered into a prize draw to win a mini break in beautiful Devon at UNISON’s own Croyde Bay Holiday Resort.
The survey takes five to 10 minutes and you can complete it anonymously. However, if we don’t have an email address for you, you will miss out on the prize draw and the chance to win two nights in a family room at Croyde Bay.

Friday 2 August 2019

Protections for new parents and pregnant women

Pregnant women and new mothers could receive up to two years of legal protection against redundancy, with new protections being extended for an additional six months after their return to work, the government has announced.

The improved redundancy protection also covers those employees taking adoption or shared parental leave, to ensure staff are protected from discrimination regardless of gender or circumstance.

Thursday 1 August 2019

Missed talking mental health?

Don’t worry catch up the webinar recording of Chris O’Sullivan from the Mental Health Foundation discussing practical ways for union reps to promote good mental health in the workplace.

it is just a click away Webinar 

Friday 26 July 2019

Universal Credit scams

Citizens Advice Oxford and Oxford City Council are warning Oxford residents against Universal Credit scams that could leave them seriously out of pocket.

If someone asks for your personal details and says they can get you a government grant or a cheap loan for a fee, it's a scam - and you could end up on Universal Credit as a result. For more info, see our joint release with…

UNISON is proud to be unique among unions in having a dedicated charity, There for You, which supports our members when life gets tough

All UNISON members are eligible for complimentary financial reviews which can take place at home, over the phone or at work so don't take the risk without seeking advice from us if you need our help we are just a click away. 
If you are a member and you are experiencing financial difficulties, whatever the circumstances, There for You can offer you support.
To get help and support just click one of the links below or Check our easy to use benefits calculator to find out if you could be entitled to claim additional benefits.

Financial assistance

Universal credit and other benefits

General advice

UNISON will never be too big or busy to care and support you when ever you need us all you need to do is ask

There for You give vital assistance to people in need in the form of debt advice, listening and support, financial assistance, breaks and holidays, and personal advice.

2024 Levellers' Day

  Oxford & District Trades Union Council has booked a coach from Oxford to Burford for Levellers' Day on Saturday, 18 May 2024.   We...